Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vb 2008 How can I convert a database column into a list so I can fill a combobox?

I have a drop down combo that I need to populate with the items from my database. However, I also need to remove any duplicate entries when pulling over from the database, so I can't just use the datasource property of the combobox. Any suggestions as to how I can populate the combobox items with the items in my database?Vb 2008 How can I convert a database column into a list so I can fill a combobox?
You can use basic idea about it and can use it in your project.

I made this in vb6.0. I created a function called as fillcombo(). like this-

Private Sub FillCombo()

Dim rsFill As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim strFill As String

strFill = ';';

strFill = '; Select distinct sub_name from Subscription';

If rsFill.State = 1 Then rsFill.Close


rsFill.Open strFill, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

While rsFill.EOF %26lt;%26gt; True

cmbname.AddItem rsFill!sub_name %26amp; ';';



End Sub

You can call this function on page load.

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