Thursday, October 21, 2010

How do I load weather data into my VB application?

I am new to vb, trying to learn it on my own (I have a c++ backgound). I am attempting to build a simple application that logs date, time and weather. What is the best way to extract weather data for one city from the web and put it into my VB app?How do I load weather data into my VB application?
This will work for temp, just got through and make functions for (local time, humidity dewpoint, high-low, etc)

Function temperature(ByVal url As String) As String

temperature = Nothing

Dim page As String = GetPage(url)

Dim body As String = ExtractBody(page)

body = strip_HTML(body)

Dim temperature_finder() As String = body.Split(';F';)

For Each temp As String In temperature_finder

'REPLACE the SYMBOL with ';%26amp; # 176 ;'; with no spaces

If temp.EndsWith(';SYMBOL';) Then

temp = temp.Substring(temp.Length - 12, temp.Length - (temp.Length - 6))

temperature = temp.Trim

Exit For

End If


End Function

Function GetPage(ByVal pageUrl As String) As String

Dim s As String = ';';

Dim request As Net.HttpWebRequest

Dim response As Net.HttpWebResponse

Dim reader As IO.StreamReader


request = Net.WebRequest.Create(pageUrl)

response = request.GetResponse()

reader = New IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStre鈥?br>

s = reader.ReadToEnd()

Catch ex As Exception

MsgBox(';FAIL: '; + ex.Message)

End Try

Return s

End Function

Function ExtractBody(ByVal page As String) As String

Return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Rep鈥?';.*%26lt;body[^%26gt;]*%26gt;(.*)%26lt;/body%26gt;.*';, ';$1';, _


End Function

Function strip_HTML(ByVal HTML As String)

If Len(HTML) = 0 Then

strip_HTML = HTML

Exit Function

End If

Dim array_split, I, C, string_Output

array_split = Split(HTML, ';%26lt;';)

If Len(array_split(0)) %26gt; 0 Then C = 1 Else C = 0

For I = C To UBound(array_split)

If InStr(array_split(I), ';%26gt;';) Then

array_split(I) = Mid(array_split(I), InStr(array_split(I), ';%26gt;';) + 1)


array_split(I) = ';%26lt;'; %26amp; array_split(I)

End If


string_Output = Join(array_split, ';';)

string_Output = Mid(string_Output, 2 - C)

string_Output = Replace(string_Output, ';%26gt;';, ';%26gt;';)

string_Output = Replace(string_Output, ';%26lt;';, ';%26lt;';)

string_Output = Replace(string_Output, ';聽';, ';';)

strip_HTML = string_Output

End Function

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

If TextBox1.Text.Length = 5 Then

Dim zip_code As String = TextBox1.Text

MsgBox(temperature(';Http://www.wundergro鈥?+ zip_code + ';%26amp;searchType=WEATHER';))


MsgBox(';FAIL: Need 5 digit zip code!';)

End If

End Sub

Good Luck.How do I load weather data into my VB application?
Well... ';best'; way?

First: Find some place that contains the information you need.

Second: Let the program load the information.

Third: Evaluate the data. Do whatever you want with it (convert celsius to fahrenheit, i don't know)

Fourth: Display the results.

PS: Basic is a horrible language. I don't know why anyone would want to learn it.
wunderground contains historical weather data that you can download as a csv file. You could download one copy of the file and get used to its format. Then you need to make a HTTP request like a browser does when you want to grab data for any city for any time. If you're using VB.NET, then you'll find the System.Net.WebClient class helpful. If you're using VB6, then you might want to look at this:鈥?/a> although you can achieve things faster in VB.NET

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