Sunday, December 11, 2011

How do i find and display the longest and shortest string using

Hi guys. i have a problem. I have developed a program for college which allows a user to enter text and from that text entered i have to find and display the longest and shortest string. I have split the string and sorted it into an array but how do i find the longest and shortest string. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ThanksHow do i find and display the longest and shortest string using
Dim sShortest as String, sLongest as String, i as Integer

'MyArray is your array of text strings

sShortest = MyArray(LBound(MyArray))

sLongest = MyArray(LBound(MyArray))

For i = LBound(MyArray) + 1 to UBound(MyArray)

If Len(sShortest) %26gt; Len(MyArray(i)) Then sShortest = MyArray(i)

If Len(sLongest) %26lt; Len(MyArray(i)) Then sLongest = MyArray(i)

Next i

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