Sunday, December 11, 2011

In VB.Net - How do I offer the ability for user to change the font of any individual control?

I can place the Font Dialog on the form. But in runtime the whole form is changed when this is called. How do I allow the user to choose which button, textbox, etc they want to change?In VB.Net - How do I offer the ability for user to change the font of any individual control?
You can click the button and have the font change on that. Or you can compare the control that you want with that one the page and change the font that way. Example;

If CType(lblTime, Label).Text = ';One'; Then


End If

But you will have to put that through a loop...


Private Sub btnListAll_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnListAll.Click

On Error Resume Next

'Looping through all the buttons using this code

'For Each GetButton as Control in Me.Controls

'If TypeOf GetButton Is Button then

'txtGetTest.Text %26amp;= GetButton.text %26amp; vbCrLf

'End If


'The problem is the code will NOT see the

'controls in the GroupBox's

'Reset the counter

m_ControlCount = 0

'Clear the textbox


'Goto the user create sub

'Get the objects in Me( form )


'If code said ';ShowAll(Me.GroupBox1)';

'The oaContainer would return all the

'controls in the Groupbox ONLY

End Sub

Sub ShowAll(ByVal oaContainer As Control)

On Error Resume Next

'Get all the controls in the control area specified (Me)

For Each cntrl As Control In oaContainer.Controls

'If the current control in a button and

'the control is not blank then

If TypeOf cntrl Is Button AndAlso _

Not (cntrl.Text = Nothing) Then

'Add one(1) to the counter

m_ControlCount += 1

'Add counter and the

'control name to the nextbox

'START a new line

txtGetText.Text %26amp;= _

m_ControlCount %26amp; ';) '; %26amp; cntrl.Text %26amp; vbCrLf

End If

'Input this to show ALL the controls

'on the form


'Refresh the control

'IF Refresh() is NOT implemented

'Error will occur when user presses another button



End Sub

How can i monitor the ending date of the month by coding it in vb 6?

I was asked to create a program with counter that will reset to 0 when it reaches the end of the month. The purpose of the counter is to count how many print outs were made during the month, so when the month ends the counter will be back to 0 to monitor another set of print outs to be made for the succeeding months.

Can anyone give me hints on vb 6 date properties?How can i monitor the ending date of the month by coding it in vb 6?
I think this syntax will do the job:

If datepart(day, date) = 1 then

' put code to reset the counter

End if

How do I code a calculate button for a sample account in VB ?

I'm trying to code a scenario for a man who wants to know his total balance after having entered his *money at the beginning of the month, the money he earned, and the money he spent* i have all the texts boxes and labels but I'm not entirely sure how to go about coding the calculate button.




totalTextBox (read only)

How do I code a calculate button for a sample account in VB ?
dim start as decimal = txtStart.text

dim earned as decimal = txtEarned.text

dim spent as decimal = txtSpent.text

dim total as decimal

total = start + earned - spent


You might want to use a label box for total instead of read-only text but it probably doesn't really matter. Label is more standard.

You should also use a try / catch feature in your input text boxes to make sure your user doesn't type in entries that break your program when they can't be converted to decimals.

Also, you used a naming convention that IMHO isn't that great. startTextBox is fine if you can remember what you called it, but that gets problematic in larger programs. Better is to do it the way I showed it, which is to start with what the object is. IE: txtStart That way you can forget the name, but just hit 'txt' in the IDE, and intelesense with bring up a list of all your declared textbox items. Makes life a lot easier down the road.

Hope that helps!

How do I manually add data from textbox to datatable using VB 2005 with MySQL?



datatable.defaultview(currencymanager.鈥?= textbox.text

command = new mysqlcommandbuilder(dataadapter)

dataadapter.updatecommand = command.getupdatecommand



if currencymanager.count = 2, position can be 0 or 1. after calling addnew(), count = 3 position = 2. when i try to assign the value of textbox.text to its datatable column using the code above, error because datatable has no position 2.

my update code also doesn't work. but if i copy paste it after the first update code, making it redundant, my database gets updated successfully.

thanks for anyone who may correct the code.How do I manually add data from textbox to datatable using VB 2005 with MySQL?
The following code uses the dsEmployees DataSet. It locates the DataTable named Manager in the Tables collection. It then selects the first DataRow object, and changes the value of its LastName item to ';Stephens'; (the update data).

dsEmployees.Tables(';Managers';) _

.Rows(0).Item(';LastName';) = ';Stephens';

' The above statement is actually one line.

' Answers does not display it properly.

' So, I used an underscore character to break it into two lines.

' You can combine the two lines, and omit the underscore.

' In the expression to the left of the equal sign, there are no spaces.

If you want to update by using the contents of a TextBox, then simply use, i.e., TextBox1.Text for the update data.


I want to convert VB form code to Java and have downloaded a couple converters but don't know how to use them.?

I downloaded the one from Diamond Edge and the one from Both are .dll files and I don't know how to implement them. I have Visual Studio 5. Any tips? thanks in advance.I want to convert VB form code to Java and have downloaded a couple converters but don't know how to use them.?
dll files aren't programs.

Convert the files by rewriting every function into Java. That's the fastest and easiest way. (Assuming that you understand both VB and Java - if you don't, you can't, even with a converter program - even the best ones leave a lot for you to clean up by hand.)

But try鈥?/a> or鈥?/a>
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  • How to write desktop application in VB.Net to send & receive SMS using GSM Modem?

    I have to write a desktop application in VB.Net to send %26amp; receive SMS using GSM Modem. The purpose of the application is to receive request for inventory status for a particular item %26amp; send the availability status to the user.How to write desktop application in VB.Net to send %26amp; receive SMS using GSM Modem?
    save urself the trouble.there r many freewares wich support GSM Modems n enable free sms.

    How can I print the data in a grid in vb?

    I need to print the data present in a grid which I load from a text fileHow can I print the data in a grid in vb?
    I am going to assume you mean VB.NET and not version 6. I have included a wonderful article below that shows you how to build an application that prints the data from a custom datagrid control. Allows you to do print preview etc and make it all fancy.

    Hope this example can help you out in the right direction.


    How can i get my internet ip via a VB Program?

    Hi i wanna get my internet ip via a Vb Program, although u can simply get it by typing ipconfig/all, but i want to view this by my Vb Program, any VB6 programmers to helpHow can i get my internet ip via a VB Program?
    Go to the following site:

    Type '; internet ip'; or ';ip address'; in the database box and click Search Code you will get many code samples.Download and check.

    How to have multiple lines in a msgbox in VB 2008?

    well how do i do it?How to have multiple lines in a msgbox in VB 2008?
    MsgBox(';Hello'; + vbCrLf + ';World';)How to have multiple lines in a msgbox in VB 2008?
    You can also use:

    Msgbox(';Hello'; %26amp; Chr(10) %26amp; ';World';)

    How to import items into a lisbox in

    I need help. I have the txt file from which I need to import a list of items into a listbox, but I can't get them to display. Can someone please help me with this? I'm using StreamReader. I just need the code to set it to display. Also, I can only display 10 items from the list at one time, how would I do this. Thank you so much!How to import items into a lisbox in
    Dim boolHeaderRow As Boolean = False

    Dim strFileConnectionString As String = ';';

    Dim FileDirectory, FileName As String

    Dim Header As String = ';';



    Header = ';REPLACE WITH YES OR NO. Does the file contain a header row?';

    Dim ConnectionString, CommandText As String

    Dim conn As OleDb.OleDbConnection

    Dim Command As OleDb.OleDbCommand

    ConnectionString = ';Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='; _

    %26amp; FileDirectory %26amp; ';\;Extended Properties='text;HDR='; %26amp; Header %26amp; ';'';

    CommandText = ';select TOP 10 * from '; %26amp; FileName

    conn = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection _


    Command = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand _

    (CommandText, conn)


    Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter _

    (CommandText, conn)

    Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet

    da.Fill(ds, ';Employees';)

    Dim ListBox As New ListBox

    'Change this to your listbox

    With ListBox

    .DataSource = ds

    .DataTextField = ';F1';

    .DataValueField = ';F2';


    End With

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  • How do you change For Loop from C# to VB?

    The following code is in C# and I want to convert it to VB.

    How do I do it

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    for (int IndexArray = Handling.Length-1; IndexArray %26gt;= 0;


    //Code To Loop

    How do you change For Loop from C# to VB?
    For IndexArray as Integer = Handling.Length-1 to 0 step -1

    ' Code to Loop


    How to write a program that computes the number of 鈥?鈥?bits in a given 32-bit integer number in VB?

    It's something I'm doing for extra credits and I don't know how and where to startHow to write a program that computes the number of 鈥?鈥?bits in a given 32-bit integer number in VB?
    I'll give you a c-sorta algorithm

    Assume the number is in x

    count = 0;

    while (x != 0) {

    if ((x mod 2) == 1) count++;

    x = x / 2;


    print count;

    How do i find and display the longest and shortest string using

    Hi guys. i have a problem. I have developed a program for college which allows a user to enter text and from that text entered i have to find and display the longest and shortest string. I have split the string and sorted it into an array but how do i find the longest and shortest string. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ThanksHow do i find and display the longest and shortest string using
    Dim sShortest as String, sLongest as String, i as Integer

    'MyArray is your array of text strings

    sShortest = MyArray(LBound(MyArray))

    sLongest = MyArray(LBound(MyArray))

    For i = LBound(MyArray) + 1 to UBound(MyArray)

    If Len(sShortest) %26gt; Len(MyArray(i)) Then sShortest = MyArray(i)

    If Len(sLongest) %26lt; Len(MyArray(i)) Then sLongest = MyArray(i)

    Next i

    How to list files in a directory in VB.NET?

    I want to be able to create a program in Visual Basic 2008 that lists the files in a directory. I know how to do it in C# but would like to know how to do it in VB, because that is my preferred programming language.How to list files in a directory in VB.NET?
    You do it the same way in vb as you would in C#:

    for each filename as string in Directory.GetFiles(path)

    ' do stuff

    next for

    How can I use a VB / visual basic code to make cells/text appear and appear/disappear in Microsft excel?

    basically, when I check a check box and it is ';true'; I want some cells/text to appear. (I'm not sure if the Cells appear/disappear or the Text appear/disappear).

    How can I use visual basic to do this?How can I use a VB / visual basic code to make cells/text appear and appear/disappear in Microsft excel?
    Here's a macro that will turn the color of the text in cell A1 to white if CheckBox1 in unchecked. If the background color is white, the text in the cell will not be visible. When CheckBox1 is checked, the text will turn black and be visible. I'm assuming you know how to make a form check-box and assign a macro to it.

    Sub CheckBox1_Click()


    ' CheckBox1_Click Macro

    ' Macro recorded 11/19/2008


    With Range(';A1';).Font

    If Sheet1.DrawingObjects(';Check box 1';).Value %26gt; 0 Then

    .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic


    .ColorIndex = 2

    End If

    End With

    End Sub
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  • How to run the exe automatically in vb 6.0 for every one hour?

    How to run the exe automatically in vb 6.0 for every one hour

    (No one can run the exe) when i will put the exe for my client system,the exe will automatically run....How to create this method???

    any one know the answer.pls try to help me.It's very urgent

    Thanks %26amp; Regards

    Komathi.SHow to run the exe automatically in vb 6.0 for every one hour?
    User the timer control in form

    set Interval of 1*60*60*100 ms

    in timer event write code to run the application EXE

    most probably u have to use SHELL

    make a EXE of the project

    now run ur new EXE

    that will call other exe prog at each interval How to run the exe automatically in vb 6.0 for every one hour?

    Private Sub RunProgramByHour()

    Dim RetVal

    RetVal = Shell(';C:\WINDOWS\System32\calc.exe';, 1)

    End Sub


    Then you simply want to let the program sleep for an hour:


    Sleep 3600000 'one hour


    For example, then simply create a loop for it. That's basically how.
    The timer is available in VB 6. But why don't you use windows Task scheduler?

    All Programmes--%26gt;Accessories---%26gt;System Tools----%26gt; Sheduled Tasks

    How to delete a Registry Key when uninstalling a software (windows application) 2005?

    i developed a software creates 2 reg keys

    now i want these files to be deleted when uninstall the software

    how can i do that

    i already have the code writtin with VB.NET but how can i do this and include it in uninstall nodeHow to delete a Registry Key when uninstalling a software (windows application) 2005?
    If you use an installation program, it already does it. If you want to write your oen uninstallation program, there's an API you can call to delete keys.

    How do I make an image re size itself in according to the persons resolution when the window is maxed?

    I'm making a prank program, no harm really, just when my friend presses a button an image of a blue screen of death will show up. It's just how can I make it so the image will automatically re size according to my friends monitor resolution? The screen will be maximized.How do I make an image re size itself in according to the persons resolution when the window is maxed?
    Create a borderless form and set the form's WindowState property to Maximized and the TopMost property to True. Add a PictureBox and set the PictureBox's Dock property to Fill and the InitialImage property to your blue screen image. When the new form loads, hide the cursor by calling the System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Hide method. Viola! A blue screen. You'll need to add some code to close the form and show the cursor, but that's fairly easy.

    How to code in so that the page will change to a picture while we point to a link/label?

    I learn to put a picture in a label/link so that when the user point to the label/link, the picture will prompt out automatically, and when they point to another label, another picture will prompt out automatically accordingly. Where whould i refer to create such a page?How to code in so that the page will change to a picture while we point to a link/label?
    In order to make this work, you have to make it all happen in the browser. There aren't any events causing a post back to occur to the server, so you really can't do it in the code there.

    You generally do what you are describing by using javascript and using the mouseover and mouseout functions.

    Check the link below for coding instructions.

    How do I get the Right Click event in VB.NET?

    Hi everyone!

    I need to use the ';ContextMenutrip'; in several pictureboxes, but I need to know which one the user has selected when pressing the right click.

    How can I do it?How do I get the Right Click event in VB.NET?
    You need to add codes to MouseClick event of ContextMenuStrip1 (double click on it and select MouseClick from above combobox).

    In below code, you can add your code after declaration of TPic.

    ----- ----- ----- -----

    Private Sub ContextMenuStrip1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ContextMenuStrip1.MouseClick

    If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then

    If TypeOf (sender) Is PictureBox Then

    Dim TPic As PictureBox = CType(sender, PictureBox)

    ' do anything with TPic

    ' like: MsgBox

    End If

    End If

    End SubHow do I get the Right Click event in VB.NET?
    It's a matter of checking which mouse button was clicked on the event:

    Private Sub Button18_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

    ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles btn6a.MouseDown

    Dim whichNote As String = CType(sender, Button).Tag

    If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then

    whichNote = whichNote %26amp; ';S';

    End If

    PlayNote(sender, whichNote, True)

    End Sub
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  • How do you put an inputbox for Excel using VB?

    I'm trying to make it so when you click the command, it will open an input box for you to be able put the following information in:

    First Name (Column A), Last Name (Column B), Company (Column C), Address (Column D), Town (Column E), State/Province (Column F), Zip/Postal (Column G).

    Any help is GREATLY appreciated.How do you put an inputbox for Excel using VB?
    Note, the code may not work for your version of office; this is for '97:

    Make a button on the sheet. Double click on it and a code editor pops up. Also, make a form where you enter the info.

    Between where it says ';Private Sub...'; and ';End Sub';, type in:


    Go to the window where you designed your form and double-click the ';OK'; button (that I assume you made)

    A new window pops up, and it say ';Private Sub...'; and ';End Sub';; type in:(note: it's (row,column))

    Sheet1.Cells.Item(1,1) = FirstName.Text

    Sheet1.Cells.Item(1,2) = LastName.Text


    Continue with Item(1,3), Item(1,4), etc. until Item(1,7)

    this kinda assumes you have some experience, so...if you have trouble understanding this, sorry :(

    In MS Access VB, how can I make a password prompt when I unlock all the fields?

    Given that all the fields in my form are locked during form_load. I created a button that will unlock all fields. But before it does that, I want that the database asks a password before proceeding with the unlocking for added data security. How can I do this with an InputBox? Or is there a better way to do this? What codes or event procedures should I use? Help!In MS Access VB, how can I make a password prompt when I unlock all the fields?
    You create a small pop-up form with a text box called txtPW: the key property to set on the properties for this text box is Input Mask: when you click on the build button, Select ';password'; for this property

    The OK button has the following code (the form's On Open event has some code too)

    Dim NoOfTries as Long

    Sub Form_Open()

    聽 聽 聽NoOfTries = 3

    End Sub

    Sub cmdOK_Click()

    聽 聽 聽If (NoOfTries = 0) then

    聽 聽 聽聽 聽 聽MsgBox ';Access Denied';, vbCritical

    聽 聽 聽聽 聽 聽DoCmd.Close acForm, ';FrmPW';

    聽 聽 聽End If

    聽聽聽聽聽聽If (Len (trim(txtPW) %26amp; '; ';) = 1) Then Exit Sub

    聽 聽 聽If (Encrypt(txtPW) %26lt;%26gt; 98465) Then

    聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽NoOfTries = NoOfTries -1

    聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽txtPW=';';

    聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽Exit Sub

    聽 聽 聽Else

    ' place your code here to unlock fields in form frmData, eg

    聽 聽 聽With Forms![frmData]

    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽![txtField].Locked = False

    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽![txtField].BackColor = %26amp;HDDDDFF ' indicate status

    聽 聽 聽End With

    聽 聽 聽End If

    End Sub

    Put this in a module and hide it 鈥?it can be found, but it's a first level; of security

    Function Encrypt (PW as string)

    聽 聽 聽Dim I as long

    聽 聽 聽Dim N as long

    聽 聽 聽N=1

    聽 聽 聽For i = 1 To Len(PW)

    聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽N = N * Asc(mid(PW,i,1))

    聽 聽 聽Next i

    End Function

    I've used the name Encrypt as a form of documentation to show what's going on: change it to any other name such as 'f'

    Finally, single step through this sub (in the same module)

    Sub X()

    聽聽聽N = encrypt(';yourpassword';)

    End Sub

    To find the code for your chosen PW 鈥?then delete the Sub

    Hello i am doing a pc base oscilloscope and using VB to design the scope.I am finding it difficult programing?

    I need someone to give me a site with an example like mine so i can learn how to program the scope which i designed using VB.ThanksHello i am doing a pc base oscilloscope and using VB to design the scope.I am finding it difficult programing?

    your question appears too specific for the engineers who hang around on here.

    Maybe an engineering forum might give you more access to the right engineers. If you dont know any, you could ask the engineers here how you could interact with engineers in your field, and what are good forums.

    Is there a way to set the opacity of my picture box in

    I just learned that you cannot apply opacity to picture box and it is only available to the form, how sad.Is there a way to set the opacity of my picture box in
    This isn't so true. If your trying to achieve a picture box that allows you to see through partially you need to design your image beforehand as a bitmap, that has a transparent background, and then when you have drawn whatever your picture is going to be using some sort of image editing software, make that layer slightly transparent, say 60%. This will then write the bitmap with a transparent background, and will add transparency to the other layer too. On the vb side of things, you need to write 2 things in your code, firstly the image location which you probably already know how to, and secondly you need to set the parent to be the object behind the picture box, for example:

    Mypicturebox.parent = me

    This will then allow the control to display whatever is on its parent wherever it has transparency drawn. This should achieve what your trying to get at.

    Hope this helps

    How to convert project into an application(or exe file)?

    I have installed MS Visual studio and i am working on a project in Please help how to convert the project into an exe file.How to convert project into an application(or exe file)?
    You will find the exe file already in the ';bin'; folder within your project folder. It is compiled each time you run the project. If you are going to send your exe file to another PC that PC will need to have the dot net framework that you are using in your projectHow to convert project into an application(or exe file)?
    use setup or deployment tools. ie., create a new project as setup project, and follow the wizard to create an exe appln from yr project
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  • How can u bind the enter key to a command button on VB 6.0?

    I'm making a program using 6.0 for my thesis and i was wondering if there is a code that can ';bind'; the Enter key or any key to a command button, like when logging in on yahoo messenger, when you put the right user-name and password, you can immediately press the enter key to log in rather than using the mouse to click the Sign In button.How can u bind the enter key to a command button on VB 6.0?
    Simply make the button the Default button. (Look at the button properties), find the one called ';Default';, and set to Yes.

    In the same breath: making a button a Cancel button will make the ESC key press that button.How can u bind the enter key to a command button on VB 6.0?
    Toggle the ';Default'; property of the desired push-button.

    How to make multiple options in VB?

    Lets say i have five questions in my survey

    i have to make five sets of 6 options. my problem is if i select an option for no. 2 question. the option i selected for no.1 becomes blank.

    how do i do it?How to make multiple options in VB?
    Take a frame control and place first 5 option buttons in it take another frame control and place other 5 option buttons in it like this u can use multiple option buttons. Programming help, How can I make a program which could connect to Internet?

    I need a program which disconnect my internet connection after 5 minutes and connect to internet and disconnect after 5 minutes and so on...

    How can I do that? Programming help, How can I make a program which could connect to Internet?
    If you are still stuck , may be you can contact a VB.NET expert live at website like Programming help, How can I make a program which could connect to Internet?
    no... there is not an easy way of doing that..

    How do I export a crystal 8.5 report to excel in a vb 6 app?

    I have an app written in VB 6 and crystal 8.5 reports. I have enabled the Export button on the CRViewer but the only export options it gives me is pdf. I want to be able to export in Excel as well. Any ideas?How do I export a crystal 8.5 report to excel in a vb 6 app?
    With mobjCrystalReport

    with .ExportOptions

    .UseReportDateFormat = True

    .UseReportNumberFormat = True

    .FormatType = crEFTCommaSeparatedValues

    .DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile

    .DiskFileName = strFileName

    end with

    .Export False

    End With

    But I think you need to use the Crystal Reports 8.5 Excel export DLL (crxf_xls.dll) instead of crviewer.

    I haven't tested the solution but I do know that you do need to set the FormatType and DestinationType as demonstrated above. But I'm not sure crViewer is what you need to use.How do I export a crystal 8.5 report to excel in a vb 6 app?

    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

    How is it possible to restrict access to a folder in

    Trying to code a folder lock application.How is it possible to restrict access to a folder in
    IT is called encryption and using windows register

    Take a look at the link I gave you, here is how you do it in C++. :)
  • religion in romantic relationships
  • programming
  • How to translate rtf format docs to html tags using VB 6?

    Can anyone tell me how to translate/convert rtf format docs/text to html tags using VB6? Is there any tutorials online you know of? Your help is appreciated.How to translate rtf format docs to html tags using VB 6?
    There are many OCX files and code examples available (beware of spyware and malware!); most of 'em aren't worth the bandwidth.

    Dig into the RTF specifications (鈥?/a> ) from MS, and figure out the meaning of the different markup tags - which to use, which to ignore.

    This is the *one* decent link I was able to find that should help get you on your way:鈥?/a>

    How to open files in Vb 2008 express?

    I created a project and I saved it and when I tried to open the project again, Vb opened form1.designer.vb or form1.vb. But how do I open the design part of the project(interface).How to open files in Vb 2008 express?
    Open the Microsoft Visual Studio Solution file

    Ex: projectname.sln

    How to convert excel formula writing flexiblity enhanced thro' VB and brough to excel with limitations removed

    Excel has limitations in formula writing which is enhanced by Macrowriting through VB. After creating the flexiblity for any kind of formula writing thro VB, can we bring back the flexiblity to excel itself and write what ever the formula we want thro excel formula writing IN EXCEL FORMAT without Knowing VB? Is there any readymade software to do this job? Totally my idea is without knowing VB I want to write formulas in excel format with extreme flexiblity without knowing VB but using VB in the thro a software person in backround by using some technology . Or I NEED AN ARRANGMENT TO WRITE FORMULAS IN EXCEL FORMAT AND USING IT IN EXCEL WITH EXTREME FLEXIBLITY THAN THE EXISTING FACILLITIES IN EXCEL AND i DO NOT KNOW ANYKIND OF PROGRAMMING EXCEPT WRITING FORMULAS IN EXCEL.

    IF READY MADE SOFTWARE IS AVILABLE TO CREATE THIS FACILITY IN MS-EXCEL WILL BE EXTREMELY HELPFULHow to convert excel formula writing flexiblity enhanced thro' VB and brough to excel with limitations removed
    This is one of the creative questions that can spark some ideas to me

    Now, I am considering (From your question) that you are good in Excel formulas, or at least know most of them.

    So, most of these formulas can do almost anything you think of.

    I made, alot (I mean alot) of formula combinations that can do things I couldn't imagin to do.

    So If you are good at Excel formula, you can start in VB, they are a like, and almost the same.

    ALSO: Please check my site

    and see the Excel files I am giving for free there

    One Example of that, is that there is a formula combination that do a sort without pressing the Sort command

    Another sample is that create a list from a list with fixed seperated rows between

    And more.

    Enjoy my profile, I am the VBAXLManHow to convert excel formula writing flexiblity enhanced thro' VB and brough to excel with limitations removed
    Answer to your question is not very simple...

    My advise would be that if you are not familiar with VB, you can not write a VB macro, so you will have to learn how to do it.

    There is no software in my knowledge which can convert Excel Formula in to VB code or vice versa.

    How can we incorporate font support for indian languages with

    I am developing an application in and MySQL which requires font support for indian languages like malayalam. For VB 6.0 there is a softeware named Shree Samhita to manage the same. But for it is not available. Any idea in this regard? Any software for this?How can we incorporate font support for indian languages with
    If you have XP go into Control Panel %26gt; Regional %26amp; Languages %26gt; Languages %26gt; Language Support and tick both ';Install files for complex script right to left language'; and ';Install fonts for Eastern Asian Languages'; %26gt; Apply %26amp; OK and you will be asked for the XP disc to install them.
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  • How can I preview The output of print command in VB?

    Hi guys! Im working on a College VB 6 project ! and im making the print button right now !! so the thing i wanted to ask was that how can preview the output of what ive programmed the print button to print!! cuz the only problem is that i dont have a printer! PLZ help quick !!

    THANKS IN ADVANCE!!How can I preview The output of print command in VB?

    You'll have to manually add this functionality to the project as there is no built-in control for that.

    Here's the solution from Microsoft support:


    I Scan the data using bar code scanner, i want to through the date in perticular TCPIP How done the program VB?

    please write the program in beginner level.I Scan the data using bar code scanner, i want to through the date in perticular TCPIP How done the program VB?
    Most barcode scanners send keystrokes to applications, anyway, assuming it sends a TCP packet, you need to use use the MS Winsock control, and set it to receive (listen) a specific TCP port. It has an event that receives a string.

    If you're using code39 barcordes, text will simply have asterisks in between, *like this*.

    How to write a scanner for a compiler in VB.NET?

    As a part of school project I need to write a scanner and a parser for a compiler, I've chosen to do so using VB.NET. How do I write a language definition part of the scanner?How to write a scanner for a compiler in VB.NET?
    Using VB.Net there might be classes which are already defined to do such, use regular expressions to parse your syntax. Your scanner will need to tokenize the text for use by the parser. So in doing such you will need to use regular expressions heavily. Do some research on regular expressions.

    If you used a language like C you could use flex/yacc, bison etc. These tools help in development of languages.

    How do I change text properties in code in 2008?

    I want to make the font size of the output of a label smaller and bold as well. How do I code this in 2008?How do I change text properties in code in 2008?
    Dim FontName As String = ';Arial';

    Dim FontSize As Integer = 14

    Dim FS As New Font(FontName, FontSize, FontStyle.Regular)

    Label1.Font = FS

    DaneHow do I change text properties in code in 2008?
    'Font size is Single, so do the following:

    Dim newSize As Single

    newSize = Label1.Font.Size - 1.0F

    Label1.Font = New Font (Label1.Font.Name, newSize, _


    How make find certain text in a iexplorer window?

    Also i need to now how to make save listbox items as a txt fileHow make find certain text in a iexplorer window?
    For the txt file:

    Dim file_name As String = DataFile()

    Dim stream_reader As New IO.StreamReader(file_name)

    Dim line As String

    ' Read the file one line at a time.

    line = stream_reader.ReadLine()

    Do While Not (line Is Nothing)

    ' Trim and make sure the line isn't blank.

    line = line.Trim()

    If line.Length %26gt; 0 Then _


    ' Get the next line.

    line = stream_reader.ReadLine()


    lstAnimals.SelectedIndex = 0


    Catch exc As Exception

    ' Report all errors.

    MsgBox(exc.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, ';Read '; %26amp; _


    End Try

    For the DateTimePicker I had luck with using the property. I would also use simply because it's unlikely you are going to choose the exact millisecond that you are looking for:

    If DateTimePicker1.Value.Date = Now.Date Then



    End If
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  • How make find certain text in a iexplorer window?

    Also i need to now how to make save listbox items as a txt fileHow make find certain text in a iexplorer window?
    For the txt file:

    Dim file_name As String = DataFile()

    Dim stream_reader As New IO.StreamReader(file_name)

    Dim line As String

    ' Read the file one line at a time.

    line = stream_reader.ReadLine()

    Do While Not (line Is Nothing)

    ' Trim and make sure the line isn't blank.

    line = line.Trim()

    If line.Length %26gt; 0 Then _


    ' Get the next line.

    line = stream_reader.ReadLine()


    lstAnimals.SelectedIndex = 0


    Catch exc As Exception

    ' Report all errors.

    MsgBox(exc.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, ';Read '; %26amp; _


    End Try

    For the DateTimePicker I had luck with using the property. I would also use simply because it's unlikely you are going to choose the exact millisecond that you are looking for:

    If DateTimePicker1.Value.Date = Now.Date Then



    End If

    Can anyone help me to create a multiple user login system in VB?

    I am facing problem in creating multiple user login system. Can anyone help me with code that could help me in doing so, also how to save the info in database (MS Access) i.e the username and passwordsCan anyone help me to create a multiple user login system in VB?
    James, you can find such a program on planet source code site in visual basic section and type your query like user Login, you will get good working examples there. Hope this will solve your problem.

    Please go through the comments underneath the download link before working on/using any program on this site.

    If u want program in .net you need to go in .Net section.Can anyone help me to create a multiple user login system in VB?
    Create a Table for the Username/password

    Create a Form that asks for each

    On the form have a Login button that checks the U/P against the table.
    Create Admin forms for User Management

    Save the info in the database with name,pwd and access levels

    Using the access levels , restrict the user functionalities.